Bluedeer Shamanic Healing is the culmination of Lisa’s 30 years of training and initiations with indigenous shamans and elders around the world.
Lisa uses Shamanic healing techniques to help individuals heal a wide range of physical and mental illnesses by addressing underlying spiritual components. Shamanic energy healing, in particular, can be effective in correcting old patterns that block growth and well-being by transmuting unproductive, repetitive thoughts and behaviors that cause you to suffer.
We will address these patterns and align your system with the present so you can function effectively and receive the peace and blessings this life has to offer.
"My experience with Lisa's work has been profound. I have had several sessions over the last few months and I feel lighter, clearer as well as some physical disharmonies have lessened or disappeared entirely.
Am more than grateful to have connected with her wise, on-target skills. Such gifts she carries."
Thank you Lisa!
L.M. Los Angeles, California

What is Shamanic Healing?
Shamanic healing work explores places hidden in the subconscious mind that can hold you back or keep you stuck. Together we'll clear the triggers that cause repeated negative behavior, sending you forward into a more balanced and peaceful life.
Lisa uses shamanic tools and techniques gained during her years of training to access and protect your energy field while clearing triggers in multiple dimensions and anchoring the healing work.
Shamanic Journeying • Drumming
​Shamanic Energy Healing Medicine
Singing Icaros • Feather Work
Extractions • Sacred Tobacco
Clarifying Intentions for Your Life's Work

Can shamanic healing help me?
Lisa has experienced amazing success helping clients
with the issues listed below, and more.
Feeling Lost, Lack of Clarity or Direction
Anxiety, Depression, Mental Fog, Insomnia
Chronic Pain, CFS, Fibromyalgia
TBI’s, ADHD, Chronic Illnesses
Environmental Sensitivity/Mysterious illnesses

Shamanic Healing Benefits
Feel Lighter, More Grounded and Relaxed
​Improve Depression
Decrease Anxiety and Restlessness
Sleep Deeper and Feel More Rested
Upgrade Your Emotional and Physical Body
Deepen Your Connection to Spirit
Expand Knowing of Your Life's Direction
Experience More Inner Peace and Joy

Is There a Shamanic Practitioner Near Me?
You don’t need an in-person meeting to discover the benefits of Shamanic energy healing! Lisa offers virtual healing sessions by phone to clients all over the world! Sessions vary from 30 minutes to one hour, depending on your needs and budget, and can be scheduled when it’s convenient for you. Book your Session today!

Shamanic healing work is particularly effective because it transcends the dimensions and layers of your energy field. It deeply and powerfully accesses the wounds and blocks in your physical body, layers of your auric field, chakras and past and future lives that are outdated and ready to heal. Clearing these “hits” or traumas will raise your frequency to the new vibration of Light that is here on the planet today.
Repetitive, crippling thought patterns, old traumas and abuse keep us in a paradigm where we feel we are not good enough and don’t deserve love, abundance or respect. Our thoughts create our reality. Releasing patterns that bind us to old thoughts and outdated, knee jerk reactions can be accomplished. This brings us into present time where we can connect with our Divine Self, our guidance and get help from our allies. Clearing the root cause of these "lies" in our field releases us to a life of freedom, balance, ease and receiving support from an infinite supply.
A shamanic clearing session brings you to a place of neutrality, where you feel lighter with a relaxed state of calm. This allows you to live your life with blissful purpose, authentically connected to your Divine blueprint.