Is your heart hurting in a way you can't get a hold of? Are you feeling hopeless, disconnected and overwhelmed with little ability to pay attention or focus? Does it feel like it's never going to get better?
If so, my heart goes out to you and I want you to know there is hope. I can teach you easy-to-use skills that can make it feel better now.
Shamanic Healing can help with these feelings of depression!
First, please know you are not alone. Feeling depressed and anxious is one of the most common reasons people seek a shamanic healing session in the first place. Below is a video with an exercise that will shift your vibration right away.
How Shamanic Energy Healing Works for Depression
The first step in Shamanic Healing work is to bring you into the present moment. Shamanic Healing is energy medicine that works to align your energy fields, raise your vibration, which clears your field of the feelings of despair and those trigger memories that bring you down. The most important first step in healing from depression is to initiate a small action that brings you back to the present moment where there is hope. With Shamanic healing techniques you will elevate your mood so you fell better.
This technique is simply called Hands on the Heart.
This technique brings you back into the present moment where there is hope. When you place your hand on your heart you bring attention and coherence that stimulates your heart field. As you breathe in, your are breathing Spirit into your body, stimulating all the "good brain chemicals" and raising your vibration in your energy field. Do this until your energy shifts, which is usually in a few breaths.
The Hand to Heart technique is just one very easy way to begin to find relief from depression and all the physical and emotional symptoms that come with it. As a Shamanic Healer, I have so much more I would love to share with you to help you heal from depression. Click here to book a private phone call with me in order to gain further relief, comfort and above all-HAPPINESS. I want you to know and believe that things will get better. I would be honored to help you by sharing the shamanic healing techniques I have learned on my own path to healing from old trauma and abuse. Energy medicine is powerful, Shamanic Healing works!
I would love to hear from you!
Much Love and Many Blessings on your journey!
